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Business Partners and Vendors

Bethesda List Center works with several partners and vendors. We believe these companies provide top-quality service in their fields. Please help support them by visiting their websites.
Improve the reach of your brand with email cleaning and healthy mailing lists to get connected to potential leads and customers. Low-cost solutions for your email list hygiene. An easy, three-step process produces fast and accurate results for cleaner lists.
Many years of experience on a national level in both organic and paid advertising for local businesses to get on board with the internet search, social, and mobile marketing movement. Dedicated to helping small businesses achieve First Page rankings for their local business listings. researches what works in marketing via exclusive Case Studies, surveys, results data analysis and lab tests. Then they publish what they learn so their 237,000 weekly readers can improve their results and train their teams. is a leading provider if media rates and data. They connect buyers and sellers through comprehensive coverage of media – such as direct marketing, magazines, newspapers and radio.
With over 15 years of experience in the direct marketing industry, our mission is to provide expert data processing services at great prices.
MMI Direct provides many different client-driven direct marketing data solutions. The keys to their success are in the service and execution of those solutions. The capabilities are found within many organizations, but the service and execution are what set them apart.

Columbia Books and Information Services (CBIS)
Columbia Books & Information Services (CBIS) is a leading provider of compliance information, training, and in-depth data across a range of subject areas including associations, nonprofits, grants, government relations, federal contracting, FDA, energy, paint contracting, and meeting planning.

McVey Medical Seminars
McVey Seminars, Inc. has been providing health care business education for over 30 years.  Currently, they are producing over 300 one-day seminars in 50 cities, on-site training/consultations throughout the United States, and specialty teleconference/webinar training.

National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
NASET a national membership organization dedicated to rendering all possible support and assistance to those preparing for or teaching in the field of special education.  NASETwas founded to promote the profession of special education teachers and to provide a national forum for their ideas.

Private Practice Section (APTA-PPS)
The Private Practice Section (PPS) is comprised of 3,860 physical therapists nationwide who own, operate, or work in a private practice setting.

USAE is the only weekly community newspaper of associations, CVBs and hotels.  Published since 1982, USAE is sent every Monday to paid subscribers in the postal mail as well as via email to over 58,000 in the industry.