4 Direct Mail Marketing Ideas to Help Boost Sales

4 Direct Mail Marketing Ideas to Help Boost Sales

Are your direct mail marketing campaigns working as well as you’d like? Are you thinking about taking them in a new direction, or even stopping them altogether? Over the past few years, the marketing industry has seen several new approaches using direct mail marketing. Done correctly and with a personal touch, they can indeed lead to sales. Here are four ideas to try if you think your direct mail marketing needs a boost of energy.

Direct Mail Mapping

Maps are a popular and common thread in direct mail. Whether you’re a retail store announcing sales on popular products, or a car dealership looking for leads, the consumer needs to visually see an end point, a location where they can find you. Using a small geographical image of how to find you is critical in that it allows the end user to know you are easily accessible. For retailers, travel agencies, restaurants, spas – the power of a map on a direct mail piece is one of the most important factors in your campaign.

Direct Mail Offer

Your offer should be clear and precise. Use common words that the eye finds first. What are you announcing? Sale, BOGO, and Promo… use words that will get the main message across. Bullets are a great way to keep it clean and neat in appearance and avoid a chaotic campaign. Add testimonials from real satisfied customers. In today’s social media world, everyone looks for references and referrals from other people that have had good experiences with the company that is promoting themselves. Use thumbnail images of people and their recommendations to your advantage in your sales brochures.

Direct Mail Personalization

If your postal mailing lists comes with the ability to personalize, by all means use this to your advantage. First names, company names, any unique identifier is always a plus when trying to turn a lead into a sale. Use a reputable list broker to get your mailing lists from to ensure they are best matched to your needs.

Direct Mail Marketing Connections

How many ways can you say “Contact Us”? Make sure you provide plenty of ways to be reached with your direct marketing method. In addition to a phone number that is listed in a few locations, include your address and even an email address. The use of modern social media is always a good idea too, adding Facebook, Twitter and Google image icons to show you are available online and current with advertising. If there is space, you can add credit card icons to show you are easy to work with in regards to payment. Do you take payments, offer lay-away plans… these are huge enticements to the consumer; make sure you let them know all their options.

Using some new ideas for postal mailing lists can freshen up even the most tired campaigns.

By changing just one or two simple items can make all the difference in a lead or sale when you want to reach the end user through direct mail and postal mailing lists.

David James

President, Bethesda List Center, Inc + Bethesda Emedia Marketing.